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26 June 2010

Urban Decay 'Naked' palette

I just saw this on Temptalia, and the pictures gave me butterflies in my stomach!

I have to get this when it comes out this fall. The colours are so pretty! And I adore neutrals, so this palette looks pretty much like perfection to me... ;)

There are six permanent and existing shades, one repromoted shade, and five new shades.

A closer look at the shadows...

New promote..................Permanent..................Permanent....................Repromote

New promote.................Permanent...................Permanent...............New promote

Permanent.................New promote.................New promote................Permanent

See swatches of the colours here.

This palette is SO pretty, don't you think?


  1. Oh my! I need this when it comes out. It looks amazing. x

  2. Oh ye, I'm gonna need to pick this up too! Some beautiful colours in the palette. Thanks for posting about this :)

  3. OMG, sooo pretty colours, i NEED this! :) xx

  4. Oooo, definitely need to get this! :) x

  5. Oooohh I want, I want, I want! :) xx

  6. I am beyond excited about this. I love pretty colours but always reach for the neutrals! Roll on Autumn!
    Kat x Click&Make-Up!

  7. OOOOOHHHHHH I love these colours.
    Definitely my cup of tea.
    May have to get this one, I think Urban Decay are really good value for money.


  8. Oh I definitely want this! I already love Sin, Smog and Toasted so to have them in a palette with all the other gorgeous shades would be fab. x

  9. I thought the same thing when I saw this. NEED.

  10. I need this in my life! Soo pretty x

  11. this palette is really pretty! i don't know if i want it yet though! it really bothers me that UD uses a majority of their permanent shades in palettes

  12. This is so gorgeous! The colours are ones that are great for everyday use to boot! [:


  13. Oh. Wow. must have! Thanks for sharing.

  14. oh i love it!. got to get my hands on this palette!!. thanks for the heads up :)

    Cotton xx

  15. bloody love this palette AND I WILL GET IT, despite my having about a million brown mini pallets already xD

  16. omg! this is such a gorgeous palette! i must get it (:

  17. Aw i sooo want this :o

    Its the first time i seen this one !

    I love smog and sin :]

    Do you know when its coming out to buy?!

    Im a new follower btw =]

    - óx

  18. Hi Nichola! It's from Uran Decay's autumn collection, so I'm guessing August/September :)


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