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20 May 2010

New blush!

My mum treated me to a new blush this weekend while she was visiting.

I decided to get ...

Clinique Powder Blush in Iced Lotus!

It is a beautiful deep rose/violet shade and so smooth in consistency and application.

(I have layered the colour on pretty thick here for the camera to pick it up.
It is much more subtle on the cheeks)

May become a new favourite of mine...? ;)


  1. Beautiful Color!

    I love Clinique <3

  2. That's such a pretty colour :) x

  3. Looks so pretty, I like the shiny packaging too!

  4. I love these blushes by Clinique you should try Precious Posy, it's my favourite and it has a lot of great reviews on MUA. x

  5. looks lovely! I would love to try :)

  6. real nice shade!

  7. Ohh that looks so pretty! I've lost my blush... I'm using pink bloomin eye shadow haha.. I'm walking around with sparkly cheeks... ooops. Oh well, It's a look hehe xx

  8. Pretty colour! How much was this if you don't mind me asking?

  9. @Kirsty - Haha, I think you need to treat yourself to a new blush then hun! And quick!! :D

    @Laura - Not 100% sure as it was my mum who bought it for me, but think it was either £16.50 or £18.50.

  10. that's such a pretty color! i love clinique's packaging! (:


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All views and opinions on this blog are my own. All products mentioned on this blog have been purchased by me, with my own money, unless otherwise stated. If at any time I receive a product which I have not purchased myself, and I decide to review it on my blog, I will include all relevant information about how/where it came from in the blog post.

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