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8 May 2010

I am loving...

... YSL Volume Effet Faux Cils mascara in Sublime Grey

To be honest I love this mascara mostly for its colour. Grey is a nice natural colour and a fun alternative to brown for daytime wear.

I still prefer Maybelline Colossal when it comes to the brush and the easiness of the application, but I love the result I get with this grey YSL mascara... hello volume!

Oh, and the mascara smells like perfume - LOVE THAT! :D


  1. Could you show us a picture of how grey it is, as you cant really tell in this picture but im sure its lovely?

  2. I've heard many great things about this, I really want to try it now!

  3. I went to my local make up counter to try this one today....I´m loving it....perfect for work, it´s not too much, still pretty.

    Love your fun blog!

    check out mine!

    looking forward reading more of you!

  4. @Lisa - I'll see what I can do ;)

    @Jane - Give it a go!

    @Nina - Oh, I love hearing that! Hopefully you'll be as happy with it as I am. Grey is a great colour! And thank you for your lovely compliment :) x

  5. @girlinthecity - Thank you! x

    It's kind of hard to explain, but it is a dark grey that looks completely natural on your lashes, just less harsh than full on black mascara. Not many mascara lines have the colour grey, but I love this one (and there is a Lancome one too which is great). Hope that helps :)

  6. Love this mascara in black have never tried grey but id like to :)

    Would love to see actual pictures of it on your lashes to get an idea of how it looks.


  7. Why does YSL have to make their packaging soooo gorgeous... I want to buy everything from them just so I can look at it all day! xx

  8. Oooh I've never even considered grey mascara :)


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