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8 May 2010

The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return!

I get inspired by films all the time! I just love to escape to another world, another time & era and live through someone else for two hours or so ;)

Today I'm inspired by Moulin Rouge, an absolutely amazing musical that takes place in Paris around 1899-1900 (I'm sure you've all seen it).

The costumes and colours take my breath away every time I watch this film (not to mention the music and *drool alert* Ewan McGregor!)

Favourite scene:


Anybody else in love with Ewan McGregor's voice?


  1. Aw I love this film, been so long since I watched it! Very nice post!!


  2. Ohhh i am soooo in Love with this Movie <3<3<3

    Gorgeous Pics! Thanks for posting!

  3. Thank you May and Star-Light :)

    I think a lot of girls love this film!

  4. I think I must be the only person who hates this film, but then I hate most musicals too.

  5. Ahhh i love this film! Sooo good! I need to watch it again :) x

  6. Helen, I hate musicals too. This one I can stand because its popular songs...the only other musical I actually like is RHPS.

    However, I adore burlesque costuming and makeup.

  7. I love this movie!!
    I just saw it this past weekend again<3

  8. brilliant brilliant brilliant!

  9. I love this film, its just so pretty to look at even if you are not concentrating, because of the gorgeous costumes and wonderful sets. And of course there is Ewan McGregor too! x

  10. Everything about this film is incredible. Love it! (:

  11. Everything about this film is incredible! Love it! (:

  12. I love this film so much! Everything about it is so romantic...I know all the words to the elephant medley part what a geek!!
    great post :) x


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