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12 May 2010


Today it's the visually stunning and spellbounding Phantom of the Opera that I'm loving:

Romance, sadness, passion & excitement - if you haven't seen this musical/film, I highly recommend that you check it out.

Even if it's just to check out Gerard Butler as the phantom... ;)

Favourite scenes/songs:

I'm Team Phantom, are you? ;)


  1. Love, love, love this film!!!!! Have you seen it in the West End? Best £40 I ever spent!! xx

  2. I have seen it twice on Broadway. Freakin' amazing! :)

  3. Love it! Have you seen the Phantom sequel 'Love never dies'??? Must get up to London, a theatre break is long over due!


  4. phantom live is out of this world.
    especially the one with Michael Crawford <3 it is one of my most listened to albums.

    & shockingly enough they did wonders with the film Gerard Butler as The Phantom was one of the best cast roles EVER!

  5. I love your posts :) They always make me smile haha XO

  6. No I haven't seen the sequel, but I am dying to!


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