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18 May 2010

Don't forget to buy next month's Glamour magazine!

I am sure you have all heard about the wonderful Benefit freebies that will be in the June edition of UK's Glamour magazine, but just in case you haven't, have a look at what you can get!

Glamour are giving out 3 different items, and the magazine is £2, so if you decide to buy all 3 you only pay £6!

Here is what we can get:

Eye Bright
From Benefit's website:
Stroke this pink brightening pencil on the inner and outer corners of the eye to look instantly wide-awake. It's like a coffee break in a stick!

Worth £14

Bad Gal Eye Pencil

From Benefit's website:
This big, BAD, black eye pencil is a beauty addict's dream and a makeup artist's must-have. Dark, smoky, mysterious...being BAD never looked so good!

Worth £14

It Stick Concealer

This is no longer available on the Benefit site, but as far as I can tell (by browsing the internet):
Cease the crease and reclaim your youth. Use it stick to help erase the lines and creases from your nose to your mouth that make you look older and more tired. A few strokes of this ecru colored line diffusing pencil, in just the right places, will help make you look young and cheery in seconds.

Was worth £17

Last year I remember getting the Benefit Bad Gal mascara in one of Glamour's issues, so I am totally excited that this year they are promoting 3 (!!!) items!

I will definitely get all of the above, whether they are full size or not.

I can't wait for June 10! :D



  1. Thanks for the heads up :) I like the sound of the coffee break in a stick lol xx

  2. Ouuu I love freebies - I am def going to get Eye Bright & Bad Gal - I haven't heard of Stick It so I might wait for some reviews on that before I get it xx

  3. Thanks for this!
    I must get all three :)
    love benefit!

  4. Wow!!!!! Will definitely be huntin' down GLamour when it comes out!!! :)
    Thanks for the post!

  5. Can't wait, I've just cancelled my subscription to GLAMOUR but I'll still be buying it insore!! :D

  6. I am holding out for this! :) I got the Bad Gal mascara last year, and I am very very tempted to get all 3 pencils this year.
    I have wanted the Badgal pencil for like 4 years now but have resisted buying it. So I am soo looking forward to finally getting one !x

  7. Thanks for the reminder! I love it when magazines do good freebies. Not sure if I'll get all 3 but I definately wasnt the eye bright!

  8. Im def gonna be getting all 3 as well! What a bargain!

    Lisa xx

  9. Do you know when it hits shelves? I can imagine it being a big seller with those gifts! xx

  10. nice!! too bad I'm not in the uk lol

  11. wow you are so lucky! we don't have any of these kinds of freebies with our magazines!:)

  12. I agree :) all 3 are fine by me! Glamour definitely knows how to reel them in haha xx

  13. Oh man lucky UK girls! :(


  14. Thanks for sharing, I ´ve got to pick up some copies at the airport...
    it´s a really cheap way to try out the products!

  15. Is it weird i screamed when i saw it in thi months glamour. SO EXCITED wanted these for ages!

  16. Wow cool!! Too bad I'm in Canada :(

  17. These look amazing, im going to get the black eye pencil! :) xx

  18. Oooh thanks for the heads up!

  19. @Lora - It's out on the 10th of June! :)

  20. awesome!! i wonder if there doing this in us too??

  21. Thanks for blogging about this,can`t wait!

  22. wow! You're lucky!
    I don't think in Spain a magazine would have a freebie like that T____T

  23. i am already planning on getting all 3 lol, i think they will be full size cos of the rrp total that they are advertising, will be my first benefit products :)

  24. Love the post! I love Benefit, def wanna check out some of these products!


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