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12 May 2010

This is SO us!

This picture made me laugh. It is just like me, my man & furbaby.

my family


  1. Soo cute! This is like me too, but my boyfriend normally takes her off the bed! Haha! XO

  2. Aw me too :) my boyfriend calls the two of us and my kitty our little family, this is adorable x

  3. Adorable...and the blanket looks so fluffy!!! :) I could go right back to bed!

  4. OMG! this photo is amazing. Me and my boyfriend have just got a kitten, he's nearly 12weeks old now, I love it when he comes and cuddles up in bed with us.

  5. AWWW This is my "squee" for today hehehe. I love my little family too :D xx

  6. Hihi, I love that there are so many 'furbaby families' out there! :D

  7. Haha this is like me and hubbie, except we have 2 black furbabies, so we usually have one each!


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