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3 May 2010

Monthly Favourites


♥ MAC Blush Ombre in Azalea Blossom ♥
Gorgeous cold toned pinky/purply colour.

Works amazingly on my pale, pale winter skin.

♥ MAC Beauty Powder in Summer Rose ♥
The perfect pink. So natural looking, smooth & pretty!

♥ NARS Blush in Orgasm ♥
Finally I understand why people adore this blush.
A nice peachy pink colour which looks summery and fresh :)

♥ YSL Gloss Volupte ♥
A lipstick/lipgloss in one! Super moisturising and gives an amazing colour on the lips.

♥ Elizabeth Arden 8 Hour Lip Balm ♥
My 'secret' weapon to combat dry lips. I use this every night before I go to bed.
A lip balm that lasts for 8 hours? It's so true!

♥ Natural Collection Lipstick in Apple Blossom ♥
Great nude lipstick.

Just make sure your lips are well mosturised before you apply this, it can be drying...

♥ DKNY Be Delicious Perfume ♥
Sweet and fruity = perfect spring scent!

♥ Jewellery of the Month ♥
I have been wearing my blue elephant tiring everyday since I got it!


♥ Film of the month ♥
A trip down memory lane for me this month.

My So-Called Life is an amazing show about teenage life in the 90's...

... and Jordan Catalano is still HOT! :D

What's your April favourites?


  1. I was really surprised by Natural Collections lip products. I haven't tried out their lipsticks yet but have two of their glosses - my favourite of the two being raspberry ripple! It even tastes like raspberry ripple ice cream - yum! xx

  2. I love the Perfume <3

    And My so-called Life is amzing :)

  3. I also adore the new be delicous. I almost bought the YSL Gloss Volupte, you can recomend it? I'm searching for a new lipstick..

    I also love your blog, i'm your new follower!

  4. Oh I used to love My So Called Life! I even dyed my hair red like hers :)

    Azalea Blossom was in my April favourites too, its gorgeous.

  5. What a cute ring! Great favorites!

  6. Blush Ombre in Azalea Blossom=LOVE.
    Another product of the month is my NARS sheer glow and,my ultimate favorite,Creme d' Nude lipstick!
    Tonia xx

  7. Great favs!!!Loved them and the ysl looks soo pretty!Thanks for the review too!!!!

  8. LOVE jared leto! just saw him saturday in my town :) <3

  9. I want to try that lip balm, I am an addict!


    xox Laura Beth

  10. That Elizabeth Arden balm was my savior through the Winter! Love Be Delicious too! Great picks! :)

  11. I love that DKNY perfume too! It's such a great sweet summer scent.

  12. OH, I really want to get the Be Delicious but I want to smell the actual scent.
    And also, what camera are you using? :)

  13. wow I really wanna try that 8hr lip balm

  14. The blue elephant ring is soo cute<3;)

  15. @Sarah - Mmmmm, sounds nice!

    @Rose - Totally!! It's my new favourite lip product! So great for both day and night time!

    @Missy - Wow, you did?! I wanted to when I first watched the show, but I didn't dare to...

    @Deanna - You saw Jordan/Jared?! OMG - I would have fainted!! :D

  16. Azalea Blossom is BEAUTIUFL! I have it and I can't wear it enough :)

  17. Wow, i love that ring, it so cute :) x

  18. I love that elephant ring. Where did you get it?


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Now then...

All views and opinions on this blog are my own. All products mentioned on this blog have been purchased by me, with my own money, unless otherwise stated. If at any time I receive a product which I have not purchased myself, and I decide to review it on my blog, I will include all relevant information about how/where it came from in the blog post.

That's all ;)