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5 May 2010

I am loving...

... MAC's mineralize blush in Moon River

Moon River is so pretty in the pan (look at all the different colours!) and works either as an amazing pale pink blush or as a shimmery highlighter if you use the multicoloured side.

I use this as a daytime blush, as it is quite subtle. It gives me a sweet pink glow.

I just adore this product!


  1. This looks amazing!

    I have to shop some Mac stuff :DD

  2. oh I already fell in love with it! I need to buy it!!!

  3. Oh My Gosh, that is so pretty!
    I want one!!

  4. I haven't used any of the mineralize blushes - are they well pigmented? x

  5. @Emma Jane - Yes, it is quite pigmented, but as it is a subtle colour, it's ok to slap on a bit of product ;) Be very careful with other mineralized colours though...

  6. This is gorgeous! i have the mineralize blush in 'Love Rock' which is super-pigmented to I have to save it for nights out. x

  7. So pretty! I love these mineral blushes!

  8. I have this. It's been pretty neglected though since I have so many blushers. Thanks for reminding me how pretty this is!

  9. *____*

    I think I would just stare at it and never use it.

  10. I adore the mineralize blushes! I haven't tried this one yet, but I think I'll just have to now :)

    I'm a new follower!


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