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19 May 2010

Chuck Bass?!

Don't want to say/reveal too much, but did anybody else just watch the season finale of GG season 3??


That ending is going to drive me insane all summer now! :(

Do you think Chuck will be in season 4?


  1. omgsh!!!!!!!! CHUCK! its going to drive me insane too!!! T;m a total GG fan all the way!! Ok so anyways... i DO think Chuck will be there in the 4th season, he has to be, ITS CHUCK BASS!!!! The show CANT go on without him! They're just trying to make us think otherwise and keep us interested!!! and OMGSH what about Georgina!! Shes crazy and I THINK shes lying about Dan being her babies father, after what she said "this baby is going to do something to make all the other babies hate her"
    Shes always UP TO NO GOOD! I cant stand her!!!!

  2. I watched! I think they could have done it better.. There wasn't much build up. But rumour has it that he's signed on for another season so he will at least be there somehow!
    Jenny won't be in it for a while cos Taylor Momsen is touring with her band.

  3. OMG I hope so! I just watched too, oh the drama!


    oh my goddd!

    sooooo many things happened!!!

    but chuuuucccckkkk :'(

    he is such an anti-hero but i can't help but love him

    and him and blair were almost together :'(

    so close!

    lovely blog! xxx

  5. CHUCK MAKES THE SHOW! I don't think they'll cut him. Nate can't keep up the bad boy act.

    Chuck made me cry twice in the finale! The ring and the end. :/

    I love Gossip Girl and will have to wait impatiently for season 4!

  6. Oh my god! I was literally screaming at my TV! Haha I can't believe everything that happened in tonights episode! xx

  7. I havent seen it so SHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
    Dont say anything :)

  8. I bloody well hope so. He's the only reason I watch it. I hate Jenny.

  9. oh my god, just watched it! gg wouldn't be half as good without chuck so he better be in next series!

  10. I just watched it and OMG!!!!I can't believe what just happened!!

    The script writer should end Gossip Girls soon before it turns out shit like many of the good series out there. Its soooo twisted now!

    And its so heart breaking seeing Chuck like this :( THEY CAN'T TAKE HIM OFF SEASON 4!!

  11. I just finished watching GG! And I'm in shock.... I definitely hope Chuck is still in season 4!! I am a die hard Chuck and Blair fan. I do hope Blair will find ways to forgive chuck!! ahhh the finale drove me insane *0*

  12. @Deliah - I agree with you, Georgina is lying. That's what she does!! I seriously can't stand her.

    @Phoebe - He is signed up for season 4? *Sigh of relief* It wouldn't be the same without him. Jenny I'm not too bothered about, she is really annoying me up these days.

    @Missy - Haha, drama BIG TIME!

    @Lauraaloves - I can't believe Blair & Chuck didn't get back together this in episode :(

  13. @Kaitlyn - Yes, you are right. The show simply wouldn't work without Chuck! He is half the entertainment... They must, MUST keep him in!

    @Lauren - Me too! And I was fighting back a few tears too ;)

    @Pippa - Nothing has been revealed here yet..but hurry up and watch it!! :D

    @Rosie - Me too. He is so entertaining and COOL! Jenny is dong my head in at the moment too. She is just messing everything up!

    @Sarah - I agree with you, hun! :)

    @Adeline - Yes, you are right. The storylines tend to get thinner and thinner with great shows like this... They need to end it on a high note (but not right now!) ;)

    @Edwina - They are meant to be together!!

  14. Dunno what's happened! Lol. You know what, I love GG but I never get to watch it, just every now and again. I think I'm gonna have to get a box set! Lol.
    Oh and Chuck i DEVINE! :) xx

  15. He better be, I LOVE CHUCK! I was in shock when it happened, and ill be so sad if hes not in the next series, hes my fav character! :( xx

  16. If Chuck dies, I cannot go on wathcing. :'( I LOVE GG AND I LOVE CHUCK BASS! <3 xx


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