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25 April 2010

Sunday randomness...

Today has been a pretty boring and rainy sunday - perfect for an Ikea visit, I thought!

I came home with a new bookshelf, candles, some white storage boxes & this:

An adorable little vase and some fake pink flowers :D

They brighten up the whole room - me loves them!

How has your sunday been?


  1. i actually thought those flowers were real. so cute!

  2. i love that vase! my sunday has been relaxing. i woke up at 4 in the morning thinking it was so much later. so i went back to bed for a while. and now i am litening to led zeppelin :)

  3. Wow, they don't look fake at all. I thought they were real!
    Great buy :]

  4. Oooh I love that, so pretty and fresh.

  5. @la bella - They look real in real life too!

    @katia - Sounds like a nice sunday!!

    @Eden - Thanks ;)

    @Jo - Very summery, don't you think? :)

  6. Hey dear, you have been tag on my blog!
    Check, I have one award for you honey! :)


  7. What a pretty way to cheer up a rainy day they look so real xoxo

  8. Very! And you can't beat pink :D

    Just so you know, I gave you a little award on my blog :)

  9. Those flowers look real!! So pretty I want some for my kitchen now!


  10. omg that flowers soo cute :))

  11. The vase is so cute! I can't wait to get my room the way I like it and actually buy things like this! I love ikea, It's a day out for me lol! xx

  12. @Kirsty - Ikea is a day out for me too! It just gives you the best feeling walking around there! Not so much for the wallet at the checkout counter though... I always end up buying LOADS of random little things that I don't really 'need'... Oh well :)


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