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14 August 2010

In need of some Blogger Help again!

I'm dying to get my hands on these:

Super adorable shorts from H & M!

I know that they are in stores in Norway and New York (probably all over the US too), but has anybody seen these in a UK H & M?

I'm obsessed. I need them! Help!?!


  1. Haha! They ARE cute. I can't help though :( x

  2. Omg .. i cant help either but this is the first time ive seen them and they are GORGEOUS! :(


  3. Haha, thanks girls. Now we can all look for these! :D

  4. i got them! from the german H&M online shop..i don´t know about the UK sorry :(

    But good luck! :D

  5. They are lovely! I can't help either but i'll let you know it if i find them in spain. If they are here, they'll probably be in the UK as well :) x

  6. @Star-Light - You're so lucky!!

    @Alice - Thank you :) x

  7. I love them, I really hope they haven't arrived in the UK yet, so I haven't missed them!


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