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4 September 2010

New York Wish List!

There are SO many beauty products that I want to get when I go to New York in just a few days!

Most of the youtube beauty gurus that I watch are from the US, and it drives me crazy that I can't get hold of half of the products that they rave about.

So here is my looooooong wish list:

From Victoria's Secret
From Sephora

* Getting Sephora by OPI in Metro Chic for sure! And many more :)

* Tarte mineral powder bronzer in Park Avenue Princess

* Make Up Forever Diamond Powder

* Anatasia Tinted Brow Gel

* Sugar Rosé Tinted Lip Treatment SPF 15

* Perfume rollerball


* Olay & Covergirl Simply Ageless cream blush

* Physicians Formula

and finally...

It will be interesting to see which products I come home with because, obviously, I can't afford every single item on my wish list... But I'm allowed to dream, right? ;)

I would love any recommendations for what to check out/buy when I'm in NYC next week.

Any must-buy products that I should purchase?


  1. have a nice time in NY!soo want to get alot of these things too!<3

  2. This may not be true in New York, but from where I buy Beauty Rush cosmetics, it's usually for a bogo-type thing (ex. 2 for $20, 3 for $15, etc. ). And for the Korres lip butter, I recommend you buy the 3 for $20 because its a better deal and you will probably like them so youll have back-ups as well. I hope you have a good time in New York !! :)

  3. The VS lipglosses are uber sticky but they smell good! And just a heads up (I'm from NJ and lived in NY for a while) research on where you can find NYX cause not every drug store carries it. I would say def check out physician's formula baked trio eyeshadows (at drugstores)!

  4. Great list! I love lashblast, eos & nyx jumbo pencils! have agreat time in NY!

  5. what a great list! i totally recc the stila smudge pot and MUFE aqua liners, lil difficult to find NYX stuff so try "Esentials" stores which stocks them but not all locations. For the drug store stuff try CVS or Rite Aid over Duane Reade and pick up the circular because they almost always have buy 1 get one 50% off cover girl, Loreal, and Revlon each week

    The milani eye tech is super ez to use! but can dry up a lil fast.
    For the beauty rush the color slice of heaven is nice.
    Have a great vacation!!!!

  6. That's quite the wishlist you have there! I hope you have an amazing time in New York! You're going to love it :) You should definitely visit the Inglot store.

  7. you're so lcuky to be going to new york! i hope you get everything on your wishlist x

  8. @Irene - Thank you, doll :) x

    @eatyouregies - Will do! Thanks for the tip :)

    @Cait - Really? I will do a search. Never even thought that it would be hard to get NYX in New York... Thanks for the heads up!

    @Miss Nikka - Thanks ;)

    @Lilladylife - Great tips, thank you! I have written them all down so that I won't forget. xxx

    @WillWorkForMakeup - Inglot!! Totally forgot about that one! Thank you for reminding me, I will definitely got there!

    @RachaeVictoria - Me too ;)x

  9. What makeup gurus do you like the most? I really like jlovesmac1 and michellephan

  10. @Shannon - I like MakeupbyTiffanyD, Michele1218, EGheartsSSC, AllThatGlitters21, xsparkage and many more :)

  11. Pleasepleaseplease do a post when you get back of reviews of what you buy- i'm going next year and I need to start making a wishlist now!

    Enjoy every minute, it will be fabbb! x

  12. @Lauren - Sure, I will let you know what's worth buying! :)

  13. ohh have fun in new york hun :)
    cant wait for your hauls and reviews, if u gna do them!

    Cotton xx

  14. i forgot, Walgreens too! they have sales each week =)

  15. I love that you have your "american" Shopping list ! I do have to admit I have quite the UK list haha :] I just wanted to let you know I LOVE your blog it was one of the first I ever started following !!

    I also wanted to let you know I awarded you a "Stylish Blogger" Award !! Not sure if you already have been given one of these :] but hey I hope you respond and enjoy :] lol

    Check out your award HERE ::

    Aloha !!!


  16. Hope you have lots of pennys saved for that huge list lol. I enjoyed reading it because i am off to Vegas in a few weeks and i keep adding things to my list too. I love pink sugar i will definately be buying some when im there x

  17. @nicoletta - Haha, I have SOME pennys saved, but I won't be buying all of the items, just the best ones ;)

    Ooooo, Vegas - that will be fun!!


  18. You'll LOVE New York, it's amazing. You walk round the whole time in complete awe.



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Now then...

All views and opinions on this blog are my own. All products mentioned on this blog have been purchased by me, with my own money, unless otherwise stated. If at any time I receive a product which I have not purchased myself, and I decide to review it on my blog, I will include all relevant information about how/where it came from in the blog post.

That's all ;)